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Get Started with Vivint

Vivint home security systems go beyond mere recording; they actively deter crime. Equipped with outdoor security cameras that spot intruders and deter them, a doorbell camera that safeguards packages, and intelligent locks, lighting, and security sensors.

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(888) 355-1396
Custom built to deter real threats
All our products collaborate seamlessly to establish a fully integrated home security system tailored to your residence. Each door, window, and potential blind spot receives comprehensive coverage.

Last Updated 21 Jun, 2024 by Admin

Vivint Security System Overview

Vivint Security System stands as a pinnacle of advanced home security solutions, offering unparalleled protection and peace of mind to homeowners. With cutting-edge technology and innovative features, Vivint provides more than just surveillance; it ensures active prevention of potential threats. Their outdoor security cameras are equipped with intelligent sensors that detect suspicious activities and deter intruders effectively. The doorbell camera not only monitors your doorstep but also safeguards your packages, ensuring secure deliveries. Moreover, Vivint offers smart locks, lighting controls, and security sensors, creating a comprehensive security network that can be easily managed through a user-friendly interface. With Vivint Security System, homeowners can confidently safeguard their loved ones and property, knowing they are backed by state-of-the-art security solutions designed to proactively defend against any potential threat.

Customised Home Security System

Tailored Solutions for Every Home

Vivint takes pride in offering custom-tailored home security systems designed to meet the unique needs of each homeowner

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(888) 355-1396

Flexible Configuration and Integration

Vivint's custom security systems offer flexibility in configuration. Vivint's systems are designed to integrate with other smart home devices, providing a unified and convenient control center for all your home automation needs.

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(888) 355-1396

User-Friendly Customization

Vivint goes the extra mile to make customization accessible and user-friendly. Through intuitive interfaces and mobile apps, homeowners can easily customize security settings, set up automated routines, and monitor their property remotely

Or call to order:

(888) 355-1396

Real Vivint home security system reviews

Real Vivint home security system reviews serve as invaluable resources for individuals seeking genuine insights into the effectiveness and reliability of Vivint's services. These reviews, shared by actual customers, offer authentic perspectives on the system's performance, customer service, and overall satisfaction. By reading these firsthand experiences, potential customers can make well-informed decisions, understanding the system's strengths and areas of improvement. These reviews often highlight Vivint's commitment to customization, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless integration with other smart devices, showcasing the company's dedication to meeting diverse security needs. Analyzing real Vivint home security system reviews allows consumers to assess the system's credibility, helping them choose a security solution that aligns with their expectations and ensures the safety of their homes and loved ones.

What we like

Personalized Security: Vivint offers customized solutions tailored to individual home security needs.

All-Inclusive Protection: The system integrates advanced devices for comprehensive home security, covering every aspect.

User-Friendly Interface: Vivint's intuitive technology provides effortless control and monitoring, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Things to consider

Cost and Plans: Consider the upfront cost, subscription plans, and long-term expenses associated with Vivint Security System.

Compatibility: Ensure the system integrates well with your existing smart home devices for seamless operation.

Customer Feedback: Research customer reviews to gauge system reliability and assess the quality of customer support services.

Combine products for a safer home

Vivint, a leading provider of smart home security and automation solutions, understands the importance of combining products for a safer home. With Vivint's innovative technology and comprehensive approach to home security, homeowners can integrate a range of products to create a highly secure and efficient living space. Vivint offers a wide array of smart devices, including security cameras, doorbell cameras, motion sensors, smart locks, and environmental sensors, all designed to work seamlessly together. By combining these products, homeowners can monitor their property in real time, receive instant alerts on their smartphones, and even remotely control various aspects of their home security. Vivint's smart home ecosystem ensures that your security devices work together cohesively, providing a robust defense against potential threats. Whether it's deterring burglars, detecting smoke or carbon monoxide, or managing energy usage, Vivint enables homeowners to customize their security setup to meet their specific needs. By embracing Vivint's integrated solutions, individuals can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a safer, smarter home environment.

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Why Choose Vivint ?

Choosing Vivint for your home security and automation needs is a decision based on unparalleled expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to providing top-notch service. Vivint stands out in the industry for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, Vivint offers a comprehensive suite of smart home products, ranging from security cameras and doorbell cameras to smart locks, motion detectors, and environmental sensors. This diverse range of products allows homeowners to customize their security setup according to their specific requirements.
Moreover, Vivint's systems are designed to be seamlessly integrated and controlled through a user-friendly app, granting homeowners convenient access to their security devices from anywhere at any time. The intuitive interface empowers users to monitor their property, receive real-time alerts, and even remotely control various aspects of their home, providing unmatched convenience and peace of mind.
Additionally, Vivint prides itself on its 24/7 professional monitoring services, ensuring that your home is under constant surveillance and that any potential threats are swiftly addressed. Vivint's team of highly trained professionals is always ready to respond to emergencies, further enhancing the safety of your home.
Furthermore, Vivint's commitment to innovation is evident through its continuous development of state-of-the-art technology, keeping homeowners ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of smart home security. With Vivint, you not only invest in cutting-edge solutions but also benefit from ongoing updates and improvements, ensuring that your security system remains at the forefront of the industry. In essence, choosing Vivint means choosing a trusted partner dedicated to providing superior security, seamless integration, unmatched convenience, and continuous innovation. With Vivint, you can confidently safeguard your home and loved ones, enjoying the ultimate peace of mind that comes with top-tier home security solutions.


Vivint's security system includes sensors, cameras, and a central control panel. Sensors detect motion, entry, and other activities, while cameras provide live video feeds. The central panel communicates with Vivint's monitoring center and the user's smartphone app.

Yes, Vivint offers 24/7 professional monitoring services to ensure your home's security around the clock.

Yes, you can control Vivint's system remotely through their mobile app, allowing you to monitor and manage your home security and automation devices from anywhere.

Yes, Vivint provides home automation services, allowing you to control lights, thermostats, door locks, and other smart devices in your home.

Vivint integrates with a wide range of smart home devices, including Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Z-Wave compatible products.

Yes, Vivint offers customizable security packages to meet your specific needs, allowing you to add or remove components as required.

Yes, Vivint's equipment comes with a limited warranty, covering repairs and replacements for defective components.

Yes, Vivint offers outdoor security cameras equipped with features like motion detection and night vision for added security.

Yes, Vivint's system is compatible with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control your smart home devices using voice commands.

Yes, Vivint provides video doorbell cameras with features like two-way communication, motion detection, and video recording.